
A Unfortunate Sudden Demise

A Unfortunate Sudden Demise

The sleeping owl wakes from sleep disguise
For mysterious spirits of the night
Leave their misfortunes in his amber eyes
Taunting they urge him to take ceaseless flight

Slowly creeping in the bright midnights moon
A dull mouse hunting for the winter's food
Cloaked in darkness, a timely opportune
Ignorant of predator's hungry mood

Winged in quiet starless night, the owl hunts
Looking for his innocent soundless prey
Both hunter and hunted meet and confront
A swoop n' squeal end mouse's last day

For obtuse old mouse the story is done
Though tale of owl has just begun


In my sonnet there are two main characters, they are portrayed in different places then they eventually in a violent even that leaves just one. It is about an owl that hunts and finds a mouse and eats it. The first stanza focuses on the owl in the story and explains and hints to what is coming. The second stanza focuses on the mouse ant its situation. The third stanza is where you find that they meet and the mouse gets eaten. The story as morbid as it may seem is not about but rather about life, life in the sense that people should live it out to the fullest before something happens.
The owl in my sonnet can be taken in different viewpoints. One of those viewpoints is that the owl in my story is death that death comes fast and in a swoop. The lines "for mysterious spirits of the night leave their misfortunes in his amber eyes," means disease or almost a warning sign of death coming. A sign that time is running out, in this case it is the owls hunger and that’s why it says, "Taunting him to take ceaseless flight." to go and look for food.
The other way that owl could be interpreted is as a person that takes advantage of opportunities that come around, to do things for their own benefit. Someone that is resourceful and opportunistic. Which happens to be at the opposite end of the mouse in the story.
The mouse in the story is a dull witted idiot. They didn’t see their life coming to an end, they just went with the flow and hoped that it would come out O.K. I believe the line "Cloaked in darkness, a timely opportune," means not a smart opportune but rather a opportune that gets lucky. Not real smarts but someone who relies completely on luck.
By taking the smart owl that is death, and the mouse that is a person the sonnet, symbolically shows how people that have a lack care of life suffer in the long run. That you need to give yourself guidance and be aware of your surroundings, the mouse did not see the consequences of his unawareness until it was too late. This is sort of like teenagers too, many of us don’t see how our actions can effect us for the rest of our lives and many of us are like the mouse, just traveling through life like nothing is wrong and we don’t learn our lesson until it is too late.
My sonnet and lesson in the sonnet about life and being aware of actions and consequences can be related to many instances in life. The fact is that many people find out this lesson too late just like obtuse old mouse. The last two lines sum it up; the only one benefiting from the mouse's stupid actions is the owl who got a meal. But its over for mouse no more chances to make it right. This is an important lesson for all of us to remember and keep close to us, reality is that sometimes there are no second chances that once you do it once its over, your done.
I'm not trying to say that death and misfortune is around every turn, I'm just trying to demonstrate how important caring about life is and that your actions have consequences, lets all try not to be a "obtuse old mouse" and let the owl get us.

1 comment:

Veronica said...

Good sonnet!
I also liked the many different interpretations for the characters you gave in the analysis, its creative.

The only suggestion that I have would be to maybe revise this line : My sonnet and lesson in the sonnet about life and being aware of actions and consequences can be related to many instances in life.

good job.